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Showing posts from February, 2021

Using Microsoft Graph Open Extensions with PowerApps

This blog will cover how to create a lightweight application that will Create, Read, Update and Delete user profile data in Microsoft Graph by extending the “user” resource. Firstly, let us cover what exactly Graph Extensions are. Graph Extensions allow us to extend several graph resources, such as “user” and “message”, to capture additional data that we may need for our own application, without having to rely on an external data source. One benefit of using Graph Extensions over methods such as local storage is the roaming capability. Also, because the application properties are stored in the Graph, they can be leveraged across the whole Microsoft 365 platform. Because I am an aviation geek we will use “favorite aircraft” as an example scenario. Here is the high-level objective. A user can create, read, update and delete a property named “plane” The selection is saved as an extended property in the Microsoft Graph. Getting started Because we are interacting with the Mi

Customize list forms in SharePoint with JSON formatters

Back in the days of classic SharePoint we had a few options to customize list forms, such as JSLink. Up until recently our options to customize list forms in modern SharePoint were somewhat limited. Sure, we could use JSON to apply custom formatting to views and columns, but unless we leveraged tools, such as PowerApps or SPFx Application Customizers, it was impossible to style list forms. Microsoft has recently introduced JSON formatters for list forms and I think they are great, especially for requirements where a simple header or footer change may be required. In this blog we will cover what JSON formatters are, how we can leverage them and some useful examples to support our understanding. What are JSON formatters? When Microsoft introduced the modern version of SharePoint, capabilities like JSLink were no longer compatible and became obsolete. JSLink was useful because it allowed us to customize list views, forms and columns, and for some time there was a void until Micros